Raising a Child with Dyslexia

Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Don M. Winn
Cover of the book Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know by Don M. Winn. A great tool to help parents and educators provide emotional support for kids with dyslexia.
Where to Buy:

Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know by Don M. Winn is a dyslexia book for parents and educators that answers questions about dyslexia and focuses on helping parents and educators provide emotional support for children with dyslexia so they can live their best and happiest lives! Includes chapters on helping your child develop grit and tenacity, perseverance, determination, and self-compassion.

Available in softcover, hardcover, e-book, and audiobook formats.

Note: The second edition contains the same great content as the first edition, now with a bibliography, index, and new cover art. Approximately 262 pages.

Do you suspect your child may have dyslexia?
Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia?
Are you confused about how to help your child at home and school?
How can you help your child cope with the emotional ramifications of dyslexia?
How can you give any child—dyslexic or not—the best possible foundation for learning to read?
Find out in Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know by Don M. Winn. Now available in softcover, hardcover, audiobook, and e-book formats.

Winner of the 2019 NYC Big Book Award in the Parenting & Family category and the 2020 Eric Hoffer Award Honorable Mention! A wonderful resource for parents and educators concerned with providing emotional support for children with dyslexia so they can be healthy, happy, and thriving, focusing on aspects of social and emotional strength that parents can help children develop as they grow. For more information on dyslexia, see my archive of blog articles on dyslexia.

Cover of the book Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know by Don M. Winn along with the NYC Big Book Award Winner seal and the Eric Hoffer Book Award Honorable Mention Seal. This is a great tool to help parents provide emotional support for a child with dyslexia.

Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know by Don M. Winn Explains How to Provide Emotional Support to Kids with Dyslexia

About the book: This user-friendly guide provides detailed assistance to parents and educators who want to help dyslexic children achieve their best life. Written by Don M. Winn, an award-winning dyslexic author and parent of a (now adult) dyslexic child, this compassionate and helpful handbook will help parents watch for signs of dyslexia in their growing baby, toddler, preschooler, or school-aged child. Topics include symptoms that warrant diagnosis by a professional, what to expect during the testing process, how parents can help their child at home, tips on working with the school to create an optimal learning environment, and most importantly, how to offer a dyslexic child a safe, encouraging emotional space in which to cope with the emotional fallout of the dyslexic struggle. The book is keyed to current, cutting edge research and testing methods for dyslexia and all of its attendant conditions, and also includes coping strategies to help those who did not get an early diagnosis or support.

If you are a parent or educator who wants to learn how to provide emotional support for a child or student with dyslexia, pick up this book today!

Cover of the book Raising a Child with Dyslexia: What Every Parent Needs to Know by Don M. Winn with the Readers' Favorite Silver Medal seal. This is a great tool to help parents provide emotional support for a child with dyslexia.
"[Winn] offers plenty of logical and commonsense advice for parents on countering dyslexia’s negative impact on their kids, all in an easy-to-follow style . . . this compassionate work will reward parents in search of guidance."
Publishers Weekly
Book Review
“Winn reveals cutting-edge strategies and research to help every parent and child work together and become the best they can be.”
Eric Hoffer Book Awards
Book Review
"It is essential that we help dyslexic children understand their strengths and challenges in order to have a balanced view of themselves. A realistic understanding of what comes easy and what does not leads to resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity—among the most necessary of life’s skills. Parents have the unique and important responsibility and opportunity to not only help their children survive school, but ultimately thrive in life. With this book in hand, you will be empowered by the knowledge of how dyslexia impacts your child and how to raise a healthy human being with dyslexia."
Dan Peters, PhD
Licensed Psychologist and author of Make Your Worrier a Warrior, From Worrier to Warrior, and The Warrior Workbook
“Dyslexia. It is a word that, like autism and cancer, strikes fear into the hearts of parents, teachers, principals and those impacted by it. Don Winn has written a comprehensive yet nurturing, caring, and compassionate book about this condition. Don has done a superlative job reviewing the main concerns relevant to dyslexia. There are so many issues—social, behavioral, cognitive, reading, and coping, but Don tries to address all of these in a kind, caring fashion. Parents, special ed, and regular ed teachers need all the information they can get to work with and nurture a child with dyslexia. Don does a great job of covering the waterfront of issues that are relevant to dyslexia. An important and much-needed text.”
Michael F. Shaughnessy, PhD
Professor of Special Education Eastern New Mexico University
"A very accessible and in-depth look at dyslexia. Perfect for parents who want to know what’s what and what steps to take. Highly recommended."
Wishing Shelf
Book Review